
A young woman relaxing in the knowledge that she has control over her service charge.

Own your Service Charge

No more hidden charges.

You may own your lease, but you don't own your service charge. Your freeholder, or a managing agent accountable to them, makes the decisions. mi-RTM will give you control of your service charge allowing you to remove all hidden mark-ups and to shop around. Learn more . . .

Automatic Pre-Qualification

No payment before your building is pre-qualified.

Unfortunately, not all buildings will meet the qualifying criteria for Right to Manage, so we ensure you pre-qualify your building before spending any money. With mi-RTM you will only pay once we have ensured your building is eligible to take part in the Right to Manage process, and you have decided to go ahead.

A young man smiling into his phone
A mother and her daughter working on a computer.

Don't sweat the legal stuff

Automatic creation and storage of legal documentation.

mi-RTM will take care of the legal documentation that is required to be produced during the process, generating them automatically from the information you, the leaseholder, have provided. They will be stored automatically within your building's very own mi-digital building which will be free to use during your Right to Manage journey. Learn more . . .

Want more information on Right to Manage?

We'd be happy to have a quick video chat with you.

Or you can check out our FAQs

Or sign up to find out if mi-RTM can help you.

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